Depending on your permission details, you can open a lock in different ways:
- Open a lock in automatic mode: A closed lock will open for a couple of seconds and close again automatically
- Office Mode: If a lock is closed, the lock will be opened and stays open until the user closes the lock again
App: To open a lock in automatic mode, just click short on the permission in your keychain. To open (or close, if already open) a lock in office mode, long-press the permission (approx. 0.5sec). This will toggle the lock state. This will toggle the state of the lock.
Smartcard: To open a lock in automatic mode, just tap your card quickly (approx. 1sec) onto the reader unit of the lock. To open (or close, if already open) a lock in office mode, tap your card for approx 5sec onto the reader unit of the lock. This will toggle the state of the lock.
To use a permission in office mode, the administrator needs to grant the permission with the option "Allow office mode". Otherwise, the lock can only be opened in automatic mode.
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