The KleverKey locks and readers have an integrated real-time clock that is periodically updated by the cloud application. This interval is a maximum of 5 days.
When changing from summer to winter time or from winter to summer time, a time update is sent from the cloud application to the lock or reader at 3:30 a.m.
If the locking component cannot be reached at this time, the update is repeated shortly afterwards (within 30 minutes).
If the connection is interrupted for a longer period of time at this point, the time change cannot be carried out and the original time is still stored in the lock/reader.
This can lead to discrepancies in log entries, unsuitable time openings or time profiles.
The lock component will automatically have the correct time stored again within a maximum of 5 days due to the periodic update of the time.
To bring about an earlier update, the components can be restarted via the cloud portal (Hardware -> Locks -> [lock name] -> Restart lock) or a restart can be performed by removing the battery for 10 seconds.
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